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Kaitlyn Moberly


Kaitlyn joined PHBB in 2019 as a Graduate Mentor, supporting the India team and later as a member of the PHBB Steering Committee. In 2020, she conducted a needs assessment of the organization for her MPH capstone project and designed training toolkits to support members in technical skill development. That same year, she worked with Dr. Lis Maring to develop the undergraduate course, SPHL260: Designing Culturally Competent Global Projects to provide UMD students with an opportunity to learn about community partnership, program development, and cross-cultural awareness. Kaitlyn currently works as a Monitoring and Evaluation Analyst for USAID’s Global Health Bureau. She completed both her B.S. and MPH in Behavioral and Community Health from the University of Maryland. Before returning to UMD for her MPH, Kaitlyn served as a public health volunteer with the Peace Corps in Western Nepal. Her work focused primarily on improving health programming and reporting for volunteers in-country, designing a trainer-of-trainers health program for youth, and working with local community groups on food diversity training. She’s excited to be supporting the organization again as a Board of Directors member!

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